While the majority of workplaces try to create an environment that is accepting and free from hostility, this isn’t always the case. Unfortunately, many workers across the United States have been subjected to sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can range from...
Year: 2022
Can your employer demand that you do work off the clock?
Something a job is an hourly employee often means accepting variations in your monthly income. When sales are slow, your employer may cut your hours and leave you struggling to pay your bills. When someone quits unexpectedly, you may have to put in far more hours than...
Understanding wrongful termination under California law
California employers enjoy a lot of freehand when it comes to the employer-employee relationship. This is mainly because California is an at-will employment state. Basically, this means that the employer can terminate the employment contract for any reason whatsoever...
Understanding your right to reasonable accommodation
Suppose you have a disability that makes it difficult or impossible to do your job without some adjustments. Your employer may be required to make reasonable changes at the workplace that will enable you to perform your duties. The California Fair Employment and...
Has an employer denied you overtime by calling you a contractor?
Workers in every industry have protection under both federal and state employment laws. The right to overtime pay when someone works more than a certain number of hours in a week, so many days in a row without a break or exceptionally long shifts is an important...
Are you a victim of promotion discrimination?
California has strict laws in place for workplace discrimination. While it’s illegal, the impact of promotion discrimination is significant. In these situations, the discrimination impacts your career options, reputation and income. It’s important to learn the signs...
Understanding quid pro quo sexual harassment at work
Everyone has a right to a safe and harassment-free workplace. Unfortunately, despite several state and federal laws and campaigns, sexual harassment is still rampant at work. If you are a victim of sexual harassment at work, you need to take action. Quid pro quo...
When is it best to report workplace harassment?
Workplace harassment can happen suddenly when you least expect it from. When you feel you’re the target of someone else's biases or inappropriate attention, then it may be best to speak up – for yourself, your coworkers and the betterment of your workplace. Before you...
Were you fired after reporting an injury at work?
You had a workplace accident and filed a report per company policy. When you return to work after being off for a few days, you notice a change in your supervisor's attitude. You find they are watching you closely and disciplining you for minor issues. A short time...
Not getting minimum wage? You could have a claim
If you are trying to work to earn a living, the last thing that will help you is getting paid less than you deserve. In California, all employees have to be paid the minimum wage (with some minor exceptions). The minimum wage can vary across the state, but unless a...