Treating a person unfairly just because of differing gender, race or age is not only wrong -- it is a denial of basic human rights. Discrimination can be traumatic and have permanent psychological effects for victims. In the state of California,...
Year: 2019
Wage and hour claims: Employees say they were treated unfairly
These days, it is not uncommon for employees in the United States to feel that they are overworked and underpaid. A fundamental part of employment is that all employees are paid appropriately for the work they provide. Fortunately, wage and hour...
Wrongful termination: Man embarrassed, defamed and fired
One of the worst and most hurtful experiences an employee can face is harassment from a boss or superior. Employees in California have rights and should never be forced to endure harassment in the workplace. Unfortunately, it seems to be happening more...
Track your pay to make sure you’re paid appropriately
One of the worst things that an employer can do is to take advantage of their employees by not paying them accurately. Employers may do this in one of many ways, from "estimating" hours worked to failing to pay overtime for hours worked past the normal work week. As...
Millions more employees may become eligible for OT pay
California workers enjoy some of the best labor laws in the country. Even so, there is one area where many workers felt the laws fell short: overtime pay. The Obama administration did make attempts to change this, making millions more people eligible for overtime pay...
How to deal with and prove workplace retaliation
When workers face retaliation in California, reactions vary. Some people may struggle to keep their jobs for as long as possible. Another set of workers may move on and never look back, preferring to forget the incidents that led to the complaint and subsequent...
How discrimination may affect employees long term
Although there are laws meant to protect workers in California from workplace discrimination, it still occurs. Whether it is discrimination due to race, gender, disability, religion or age, studies show that over time, this behavior has negative effects on workers and...
Men may struggle to report sexual harassment at work
Most California employees have undergone sexual harassment seminars at their jobs and understand what behaviors are unacceptable in the workplace. While most awareness campaigns about workplace sexual harassment focus on women who experience it, men may also be...
3 ways your employer could try to avoid overtime pay laws
Your employer benefits off of every moment you work, which means that you deserve to get paid for all of your time. If you aren't a salaried employee, that means that you receive hourly wages, and all hourly workers should receive overtime pay for the hours they work...
The different types of discrimination
Although there are laws in California that protect workers from discrimination, this still occurs throughout all occupations and industries. Sometimes discrimination is more subtle, while other times it may result in someone losing their job or facing a demotion....