California’s diverse and inclusive culture celebrates individuality. However, some workplace appearance policies can clash with personal expression. Employers may set standards for tattoos, piercings or hairstyles under the guise of maintaining professionalism. So,...
Year: 2024
New guidelines on workplace discrimination
California has long been ahead of many other states in protecting its workers against harassment and discrimination. Now, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has published updated guidance to make it clearer than ever what sort of behavior is...
Examples of wage violations
Wage violations happen frequently. Some reports claim that wage theft is more common than any other type of theft in the United States. People often think of home invasions, bank robberies or similar crimes, but most theft occurs when corporations steal wages from...
Is a repetitive stress injury a protected disability at work?
In California, repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) are recognized as a serious workplace health concern. That’s especially true in jobs requiring repetitive motions, such as typing, lifting or assembly line work. Under California and federal law, RSIs can be considered...
Is it wage theft if your boss reduces your pay?
A pay cut can be quite a financial blow to an employee. The employer may argue that it is necessary to reduce pay, perhaps doing so for multiple employees just because the business itself has seen a reduction in revenue. But, employees are still frustrated when their...
3 common examples of pregnancy discrimination
Pregnant workers have a host of legal protections in California. These are largely outlined in the California Family Rights Act. Pregnant workers are entitled to maternity leave, on the basis that they can return to the same position afterwards. Importantly, pregnant...
Do you get paid if you’re sent home early from work?
What happens when you’re a part-time employee and your employer sends you home 15 minutes into your shift because there’s not enough work for you? One of the lesser-known labor law regulations in California is the so-called “four-hour minimum” shift rule. It’s an...
When company dress code violations become discrimination
Many industries and businesses have dress codes. These codes may be for reasons such as professionalism, branding or safety. The dress code should apply to all employees. If it doesn't, it could be a form of discrimination. When enforcement becomes random We typically...
Whistleblowing in California: Protections and precautions
Whistleblowers are courageous individuals who often help to propel significant organizational or industry changes. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that these individuals often experience retaliation from their employers and fellow employees, ranging from subtle...
Can you progress your way out of sexual harassment?
Many people struggle with the decision to report sexual harassment. They think their bosses won’t take their claims seriously. Or they think it might harm their career prospects. Climbing their way out of it might seem like an option, either via gaining promotion or...