Anticouni & Ricotta | Leaders In Employment Litigation Serving Clients Throughout California.
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The Fair Labor Standards Act protects your rights

On Behalf of | Sep 19, 2018 | Wage And Hour Claims |

Being a worker in America is not always easy, and the fact that it is has been nine years since the minimum wage went up federally doesn’t brighten the picture. As of July 24, 2018, the minimum wage in the United States has been $7.25 for nine years. At the time that it was raised, the country was in a recession. This made people wonder what the long-term effects would be on the economy and workers in America.

Today, the same questions are asked, and many states have had to take minimum wage into their own hands. It is always an argument about whether the minimum wage should be increased and what would happen if it was. There are some other things to know about the minimum wage, though.

Minimum wage errors happen

One of the biggest problems with the minimum wage is not how much it is but, instead, that employers often make errors when paying their employees. Common errors with minimum wage include failing to pay workers for overtime, shorting them on wages and directly violating the minimum wage requirements. It is sometimes easy to make these mistakes based on the travel requirements, uniforms and the resources of the job. It is necessary for the company to sit down and think about who has to pay for each of these things.

Whether or not an employer intentionally makes these mistakes, they can still end up with a lawsuit on their hands. The Fair Labor Standards Act upholds minimum wage laws and allows individuals who have had their rights violated to seek compensation from their employers.

What should you do if you think that you were not paid appropriately?

Remember to track your work hours closely and to compare those hours with the paycheck you receive. Your employer should be able to tell you exactly what hours you’ve been paid for. If you think that there is a discrepancy, first bring this up with your employer. There’s a chance that your employer simply made an error and is willing to correct it.

If they do not believe there is a problem despite an obvious discrepancy, you have a right to speak with your attorney about legal options. The FLSA protects you and your right to a fair payment, which is something every employee in America should receive without question. You should keep records of all documentation, so you’re ready to make your claim.
